fear what is luring in the dark...
....9/3/11.... is here.... HEHEHEHEHEK!

what is this mysterious picture, king?!
and starting this moment, from now, from this moment on,this will be the moment, starting now...
will mark of a new era.
i think i have found myself a new trademark quote. and its pretty badass.
stay tune for more... 9/3/11.....
its been a while since i log into my blog and i notice, some of my posts are missing!
well never mind about that, as i was saying, read this post and smack your face with ur elbow. its fun.
you think you know me but i dont think youre anything near that anyway.
these are probably the 10 things that you dont know about me.trust me. what? you dont trust me? what?! you got a problem in trusting me? what?!
1. at home, when i have to eat with cutlery, i only use this specific pattern one. if someone got them, ill change them with mine before they use or if its used, ill wash them and use.
2. i have 3 scars on my face. if you can tell me where, id give you a stunner! and thats the bottomline cause stone cold said sooo!
3. i once ate 33 sticks of chicken satay for lunch!
4. fries plus chili sauce or ketchup is weird to my tongue.
5. i prefer mini-scale, models, costumes, puppets, make-ups over cgi when it comes to sci-fi movies actually. like the first predator movie or the back to the future trilogy. cgi makes the movie look not real
6. my watch can talk to me.
7. im into body building. i even endorse my own protein supplement brand, muscle x booster!

HAHAHA well nah actually i have interest in cooking. learn to cook, to be more specific. i dont knw how to cook anything. it all started from a question of what and how to cook char kuey teow, then after that it just got me there. i find it really creative and helpful!
8. the most embarassing AND worst moment i had with my parents is when i was.. 8 or 9 i think, we were on holiday in australia, and scary movie was on tv. they didnt censored the sex scene. i didnt knw how to react and i was a kid, so i do not know much on how to 'control my power' yet HAHAHA
9. though the dark knight is a fantastic movie and a massive hit, in my opinion, batman begins is the best. but i might change my opinion since nolan hasnt complete his trilogy yet
10. the number of times my testicles got violated by the doctor? TWO!