we're going on a long journey, TRUST ME!
another article this time. finally, had an idea on what to write about.
yea, maybe. well actually, i got that from superman returns. lois lane's article, why the world doesnt need superman. HAHA
but i am gonna tell you why he is better than other superheroes,
which i found others are kinda gay, especially the one who wears his neighbour's underwear outside, flying around town. (HAHA i dont knw why, but I dont like superman)
but im more of a movie-person, rather than a comic-book person. but i do have some batman comic books... bout 2-3. HAHA
im gonna make use of my knowledge and those articles (wiki and magazines), from the movies and documentaries about The Batman that ive read and watched to write my very own article about the Caped Crusader.
so what im gonna write about here is mostly based from Christopher Nolan's batman series and abit from the comic too.
well everyone knows how much i like batman. (i dont know how to say it without sounding gay) :S
and im starting to sound like a geek too. BAH HAHAHA
through Nolan's batman series, i feel its not impossible that one day, there will be a vigilante to fight against corruption and other problems that the world is having right now
because of the realistic tone of the movies. realism.
so dont be surprise if theres a guy in a batsuit, jumping off rooftop, 10 years from now. me? The Dark Knight? maybe :P
HAHAHA i took this test from Hanah's blog, and guess which superhero am i. >:p;p;p

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA if that is some kinda school grading or something, getting that will be like graduating school in flying colours and also receiving the best student award! BOOM! >:D

okai, enough of all that. Thats not main thing we wanna talk about in this article.
so why is he a better superhero?
lets make a comparation between the movie version of,

4 great and iconic superheroes.
ask yourself, which seems to be more powerful or maybe impossible to you.
is it possible for someone to have the ability of flying, multi-visions and super strength? possible? only if youre an alien.
going rampage around just because youre mad then tell the police that it was your alter-ego instead? you do have a big problem there.
how about the ability to swing around town and having a great reflexes, like an insect? yea, if you got bitten by some radioactive insect.
The Batman? hes just a ordinary man in a cape, who uses his physical strengh and intelligence to fight against whatever there is.
no superpowers. not even one bit.
all he did was he made himself more than a man, he devoted himself to an ideal.
lets focus on the man behind the mask, Bruce Wayne.
as a child, he became a victim to injustice.
having developed a fear of bats, he was frightened by the portrayal of bat-like demons in the opera performance.
feeling scared, he insists his parents to leave the theater, where then his parents were killed outside of the theater by armed robber, right in front of him.
for that matter, he felt guilty, traumatized by the incident and blamed himself for the lost of his parents.
he grew up, became an angry & lost man and travels the world trying to find the propose in his life and to understand the criminal world.
through what had happened, Bruce Wayne has turned the unfortunate incident into a positive force, which is avenging his parents death by protecting the innocent and fighting against injustice.
he took the persona as a bat, since bats are his greatest fear.
like us too, he has phobia, which he overcomes by exposing himself to the bats in his underground cave until he feels calm and become one with it.
so to manipulate fear in others, he has to master his own fear.
like other comic book heroes, he is going through a complex situation.
the conflict in life like between good and evil, yes or no.
can he stop being Batman and lead a normal life?
and the biggest question is, who is the real person? Bruce Wayne? or The Batman?
as Bruce Wayne, he is a billionaire playboy and as Batman, he is the vigilante, the protector of Gotham City.
some thinks that The Batman is the real person and Bruce Wayne is the mask.
but they are some who thinks that Bruce Wayne is the real person because he made choices as him, not as The Batman.
The Batman is just a tool for him to get things done.
but in other hand, it seems that its much easier to stop being Bruce Wayne than stop being Batman to him.
there this one part in the comic, during a business meeting, he just suddenly stop giving attention to the meeting and look at the sun outside.
as the sunset, he just get up and said, 'sorry but i got to go'.
the determination that drives him, the will to act and do what is necessary in corrupted city. at the same time, it looks like he is obsessed about being Batman till he sometimes forgot who himself.
indeed what he is doing is over law. you cant take the law on your own, but he had no choice because Gotham City is corrupted.
but no matter what, no matter how, he has one rule, that is he will never take away someone's life.
the ability to control and discipline himself.
for this, we can see in our everyday life how success can be achieve through discipline.
self-control is like a muscle. it can be develop, it can be lose.
but as for Bruce Wayne, he has develop it, he has work it out, he has a stronger self-regulation from others.
that is his superpower. the power of self-regulation.
he endures every negativity and pain there is.
so who is much stronger?
someone who has a super strength? or someone ordinary but could work through pain?
i mean for example, Superman, he might have his super strength ass thingy, but when theres a Kryptonite around, hes like a baby. ( eg. in Superman Returns, the part where Lex Luthor and his henchmen kick his ass around like a ball )
you punch him, kick him or even pinch his ear, he would cry like a baby because he never felt pain before. all this while he has been depending on that super strength.
as for The Batman, he works through pain, he knows how does it feel to be hurt, he endures, he works through it. by that, he doesnt care about the pain.
the consequences of being a hero. YEAAAAP
one of it is he cant love someone openly, he cant involve in a romantic relationship with the person he loves most. ( eg. Rachel Dawes, Vicky Vale and the most popular, with Selina Kyle/Catwoman. )
Clark Kent has Lois Lane. Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. and for Peter Parker, he has Mary-Jane Watson. and Gwen Stacy too right? shit how come that nerd is in between 2 girls?! wait, all of them are nerds!
like i said, Bruce Wayne, he cant love someone that openly because hes afraid that the loved one could get hurt too if they involve in his life.
sure he can date movie stars or ballerinas or anyone, nothing serious.
but the one that he truly loves, he cant go more or over the line with them, he just cant let them involve in his complicated life because
he scared that he will lose them, just like how he lost his parents.
i mean Selina Kyle/Catwoman died right? see, you know what i mean? and again he felt guilty for that.
he can have the most futuristic gadgets and weapons but his heart has no shield. it can be broken.
maybe we can say that, his heart is his Achilles heel.
he puts others and his loved ones before him and getting hurt inside by letting them go.
its easier to make choice without consequences. but in life, everything has consequences
and for him, thats the price of being The Batman. he has to endure the pain.
since he doesnt have any superpower, Bruce Wayne uses his physical, intelligence and wealth for combat effectiveness and protection.
its not impossible for him, if you think about it. with the technology and science of today, and the money that he has.
nothing is impossible with science.
in Batman Begins, the iconic Batsuit is derived from Lucius Fox's Research & Development program, within Wayne Enterprises Applied Science Division.
it is a Nomex survival suit originally intended for advance military use, but it was considered too expensive for the army

the armour is..fire-proof? or fire-resistant?, reinforce joints, allowing the wearer for maximum flexibility and mobility. the armour is also bulletproof, features a Kevlar bi-weave that able to stop any slashing weapons and gunshots but straight shots.
the armour was then coated with a black-latex for camouflage and making him difficult to be detected by night-vision equipment.
the cowl was made from a graphite material, acts as protective helmet. the cowl's Kevlar lining is bulletproof.
a microphone is concealed within the cowl's right ear, enables Batman to listen in on coversations from a distance.
the utility belt is a modified climbing harness, with a magnetized impact-resistant pouches and canisters attached to the belt.
it carries a magnetic gas-powered grapple gun, handphone, batarangs, mini explosives, periscope, remote control to the Tumbler, his girlfriend's picture, his phone book, his A&W dine in card, whatever that he can put in his belt laa!
he adds defensive metal gauntlets on the forearms, because well he had this ninja training during his time in the Himalayas you know? Batman is actually a ninja.
thats why he could kinda make himself invisible. he can fight against 600 people. thats what his mentor said laa in the movie.
theatricality and deception are powerful agents. so he has to more than just a man in his enemy's mind.
Batman's cape is made of 'memory cloth'. its just like any other normal cloth but when put electric current passed through it, it becomes semi-rigid in a fixed form.
other gadgets? erm he has this pneumatic mangler, used to tear through metal sheet or bend a gun barrel ( eg. the scene where Batman interrupts Chechen's meeting with Scarecrow in The Dark Knight ).
some kinda clay-like time explosive where he can shoot from range by using this some kinda rifle. i dont know what we call it. HAHA
oh and this high frequency transponder, used to summon bats but when used at a lower frequency, the sound can cause people to have headaches.
the Batsuit is changed in The Dark Knight. the suit is made of hardened Kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fiber and is broken into multiple pieces of armour for greater flexibility and mobility.
however, the much more flexible suit leaves Batman more vulnerable to bullets and knifes.

the cowl is separate from the suit, allowing him to freely swivel, move his neck and look up to the sky or whatever.
it also has sonar vision, where signals emitted by mobile phones are converted into images.
a strong electric current runs through the suit, prevents anyone except Bruce Wayne from removing it, further protecting his identity.
the blades of the gauntlets are retractable and are capable of firing.
other than that, the memory cloth is no longer used but instead, a concealed cape in compartments which eject, connecting the suits limbs to provide a hang-glider.
nah, we're close to done here. HAHAHA this article would not be complete without Batman's vehicle. >:D
the Tumbler was actually an experimental bridging vehicle. its more like a tank rather than a sleek-super cool supercar like the Tim Burton's or Joel Schumacher's series.
with the top speed at 220mph, it is capable of making rampless jumps to lay the basis of a temporary bridge. but it didnt work out and the prototype was mothballed.
inside, it could seats a driver and one passenger, with 2 driving mode, normal driving mode and attack mode.
in attack mode, the driver's seat move to the center of the car and repositioned to lay face-down with his head in the center section between the front wheels.
it has a pair of machine guns mounted in the nose of the car between the front wheels, bulletproof of course, afterburner jet with vector controls for the jet, backend flaps for quick stops, landing hooks, radar-evading controls and stealth mode. YEAPP!
the Tumbler can also self-destruct and engaged its escape mechanism, converting the Batmobiles's front tires into the Batpod.

oh yea about the armour, gadgets and vehicles? most of them are real. YES, REAL. not fictional created. even the memory cloth.
you can check out in the internet. yes, there is such thing as science fiction but SCIENCE is not fiction.
creativity and imagination = real fact and you square root that you will get science.
everything is possible, as long that you know and find a way to it. i mean the glowing bunnies? silk-milk goats?
see what some genetic modification just gave you. maybe one day, we will have a flying cow eh?
wow, i guess this is my first ever article. and the looooooooooooongest blog ive ever wrote. i have never wrote anything like this in my life.
check out all my essay, its all the boring 'what did i do last holiday' or 'my pet cat' type essay.
Christopher Nolan's Batman series is my all-time favourite movie series. The Dark Knight IS the movie of the year! BOOM!
sorry, girls. i dont see Twilight anywhere, not even at 2nd place or 3rd. ( IronMan and Never Back Down!!! take the spots respectively. WOOOHUUUU )
maybe i could say that the only hero who is close enough to rival Bruce Wayne/Batman is Tony Stark/Iron Man.

somehow, i find that Batman is a very inspiring hero. he shows that..you dont have to come from another planet or be bitten by a radioactive goat to be a superhero.
you can be anyone but all you need is to understand yourself, set your priority and sacrifice for what is good for everyone and yourself.
look inside you and be strong, and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you. god bless us all, amen! ......... :S the line before. sounds familiar. HAHAHA
*mariah carey's hero as the background song*
well, why be a 2nd grade version of someone when you can be the first-one and only *insert your name here*?
but HELL WHY NOT, if i have my own enterprise and a few billions in my bank account right? HAHAHA >:D
Muhammad Firdaus says: you ni semua remind me of someone
Muhammad Firdaus says: i was wishing you gonna say 'you remind me of cristiano ronaldo'
Muhammad Firdaus says: or or 'youre just like bruce wayne! : '
FARHANAH says: you remind me of a wanna be bruce wayne :