fear what is luring in the dark...
....9/3/11.... is here.... HEHEHEHEHEK!

what is this mysterious picture, king?!
and starting this moment, from now, from this moment on,this will be the moment, starting now...
will mark of a new era.
i think i have found myself a new trademark quote. and its pretty badass.
stay tune for more... 9/3/11.....
its been a while since i log into my blog and i notice, some of my posts are missing!
well never mind about that, as i was saying, read this post and smack your face with ur elbow. its fun.
you think you know me but i dont think youre anything near that anyway.
these are probably the 10 things that you dont know about me.trust me. what? you dont trust me? what?! you got a problem in trusting me? what?!
1. at home, when i have to eat with cutlery, i only use this specific pattern one. if someone got them, ill change them with mine before they use or if its used, ill wash them and use.
2. i have 3 scars on my face. if you can tell me where, id give you a stunner! and thats the bottomline cause stone cold said sooo!
3. i once ate 33 sticks of chicken satay for lunch!
4. fries plus chili sauce or ketchup is weird to my tongue.
5. i prefer mini-scale, models, costumes, puppets, make-ups over cgi when it comes to sci-fi movies actually. like the first predator movie or the back to the future trilogy. cgi makes the movie look not real
6. my watch can talk to me.
7. im into body building. i even endorse my own protein supplement brand, muscle x booster!

HAHAHA well nah actually i have interest in cooking. learn to cook, to be more specific. i dont knw how to cook anything. it all started from a question of what and how to cook char kuey teow, then after that it just got me there. i find it really creative and helpful!
8. the most embarassing AND worst moment i had with my parents is when i was.. 8 or 9 i think, we were on holiday in australia, and scary movie was on tv. they didnt censored the sex scene. i didnt knw how to react and i was a kid, so i do not know much on how to 'control my power' yet HAHAHA
9. though the dark knight is a fantastic movie and a massive hit, in my opinion, batman begins is the best. but i might change my opinion since nolan hasnt complete his trilogy yet
10. the number of times my testicles got violated by the doctor? TWO!
kids, if you happen to came across my blog someday, on the 1st of october 2010,
no no, this wasnt the date i met your mother but the day i found a new hobby. yeap.
e-comic book is probably the best thing after glee and L4D2 at the moment for me!
i just downloaded a few batman series like batman : year one, batman : hush, the killing joke, the long halloween and batman : blackest night.
you may picture me as a very lame nerdy teenage boy who dreams of katy perry at random nights, wearing batman tee and read online news about the latest update on vid games for that, but hey! big daddy cool here is totally the opposite of that. i was a badass who.. indeed like all those things, together having an obsession of getting a fender strat, football and the cheerios trio. and singing my own parody songs with my friends and other crazy things.
like mr. will said, glee is COOL! the show i mean. the nerds and wannabes in my days here think they can go 'glee'.
im not sure how are things gonna be in the future era, but thepiratebay.org, i just wanna thank you for all the albums, movies, tv series and e-comic book. :')
may you live till im 2938 years old.
this is not an essay about my pet. which reminds me, i did have a pet rabbit when i was 9 i think.
but anyway, bunny i mean im talking about farhanah! my girlfriend, whom ive given that nickname ever since... maybe since we know each other.
who ever thought we're gonna be together? :) even ourselves pun didnt expect for this.
ever heard of miracle of istanbul? probably this is something like that. at least thats what i think.
last night, her apartment blacked out. probably a power breakdown, not a sudden shutdown. so we dont have to condemn tnb here. a short circuit.
it was at 4am-5am, she told me she was scared and her lamp exploded when it happened. HAHAHA
magikarp bukan?
she said that i did a favour for her and shes thankful to have me.
but to me, i was doing what i had to do rather i was doing a favour. being there and taking care for her.
no matter what, i will always be there for you :)
see, hanah. told you! out of the darkness, the knight will come! :P
this is a pic we took when we were on skype. it says it all to me. :)

2 hours before iftar, playing L4D2.
all praise be to allah swt, the ramadhan went well with me. i ended my iftar just now with tomorrow's dish.
so i would like to thank my family, my friend, my cats, ermm WHAT?! sorry but i think i have IED.
i noticed that malaysia have a very weird culture when it comes to aidilfitri. whenever i switch on the tv or radio or anything, mesti wajib ada lagu or cite sedih.
i remember someone told me that it is a sin to be sad on aidilfitri because it is suppose to be a celebration of completing the ramadhan month. not a day for us to be sad at all.
why im frustrated over this is because it gives a bad image to islam. if kat tv or radio pasang iklan, movie or lagu sedih2, what would ppl from other religion think of us? 'ini apa pasal mau sedih? bukan kena enjoy ka?!'
typical malay. still being obsess over their race. dah bawak culture melayu in islam.
from what i notice, i never saw any chinese new year or deepavali advertisement yang sedih2.
plus we're suppose to celebrate aidiladha more grand. kat malaysia sini, biasa je.takbir raya pun tune sedih.listen to what im gonna say here, islam is not a religion for malay only.
islam is a religion for all, EVERYONE! tak kira malay, chinese, indian, vietnamese, irish, german, everyone here in malaysia and the whole world.
so jgn nak masukkan kita puna ke-streotype-an into our beloved religion.
nak main mercun smpi putus jari pun takpe. janji enjoy. if nak sedih2 nangis mintak maaf, takyah raya je senang.
maybe its time for us, malaysian, to change our mind setting.
its not because we're malay or chinese or indian but because of how we think.
whether we're a good or bad person is not because of our race or religion but because of our lack of humanity.
happy aidilfitri.
currently, listening to rage against the machine's tire me
lets get over how great or crap the world stage was.
though ive sighed a few times today, knowing that i actually missed opportunity to meet katy perry in person! *anang's separuh jiwa ku pergi playing as background song*
haih lets put that aside for a moment.... :(
maybe am gonna update abit about my college life. well its going pretty well for me. theres only 7 or 9 of us in class, depends on the subjects. :S
but its pretty okai to me cause less people, more focus maybe? still havent learn much yet, probably in the 2nd week, things will get heavier abit.
cut my hair too. after... 5 months of it i think? i rmbr i cut in back in february. kinda missing it.
i usually shake my head to get hair frm getting into my eyes while playing video game or anything. and still having that habit and it feels abit weird HAHA. i rmbr shaking my head a few days ago and felt really dizzy cause my head feels really light this time. but its okai yea i like my new hair now :P HAHA
ive been checking out updates on the highly anticipated chris nolan's 3rd and last batman movie everyday!
really excited about it but not much of infos got from the net. no news about whos the villain or maybe, who ARE the villains.
most rumours are saying the riddler will be the main villain, which actually i prefer him to be in the supporting villain role. i feel the character doesnt fit in the storyline because of how they ended the dark knight. maybe they should try out someone new like they did in batman begins. black mask would be another great villain in that position. my choice of the main villain would be either azrael or hush! it will be great to see one of em featured in the 2nd sequel together with the riddler and black mask.
i would LOVE to see the catwoman too, will be fine if shes just gonna be selina kyle! :D
benar ku mencintai muuuu tapi tak begini!who should play that role? maybe her?

tomorrow will mark of a new era. there was once a saying, that the last man standing will stand as long as he wants because... well, actually what im about to talk about probably has nothing to do with that saying. just a booster for myself, you know?
ill be starting college tomorrow and between me and my friends, im the last one to start! :\
that wait has ended and im pretty.. excited about it i guess. i hope for the best for tomorrow and in future.
please dont wrestle at school or home. especially not with someone 3 times your weight.
and going along with that saying, i would pay tribute to my cat which probably has a lion heart, survived after a car accident. his injury is quite serious, takleh breath properly, cant eat and he has to sleep sitting down instead :(
but hes still fighting with all his heart to live! my family agrees to take him to the vet surgeon tomorrow since just the clinic couldnt do much.
i pray for a speedy recovery!
as usual, its not easy being firdaus. as what was once said by adam, 'kita je yg bagus!', i couldnt do anything else but to agree over his words!the main topic of this post is of course, non other about the current phenomena, the world cup! :D
though it puts a smile on my face because of the great gameplay played by the teams, the magic and class from the star players of each national team and the sexy ladies, the vuvuzela and so many more lah.
it kinda shows how interesting and powerful football is. everyone seems to be watching and talking about it.
makes me kinda proud of the game too, since im an avid fan and a player of the game too . relek ah nak budget gak sesekali
but this year's world cup is kinda slow abit. not many goals. plus im kinda irritated of douchebags going all over it as if they know much about football. probably they can name a few star players, put some irritating shit on their status to show their love towards their team but they dont even knw anything about real football. and yet they go blablabla 'because im an asian', 'because thats my birthplace', 'this team will win the world cup!', 'nasib team ni kalah!' BLABLABLA malas nak type panjang, bersambung gak kening ni. tu takpe lagi, jgn perut besar pulak. probably, they dont even know whats the different between a direct freekick and an indirect freekick!
sorry for acting like a misanthropist, but i just dont like to be annoyed. i guess there are pros and cons about world cup too u knw. lets just look at the bright side!
which team am i putting my money on for this year's world cup? like usual. ;)